Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What a Zoo!

We had heard the Singapore zoo was one of the best there is, especially for its rainforest category.  So we took them up on it and decided to head out to the zoo to see for ourselves.  I have some great pictures of animals, but again, I can't show them all here.

Let it be known I have somewhat of an aversion to zoos.  I'm not convinced the animals are better off in this kind of habitat, but I also know they're not necessarily better off in their natural environment either for different reasons. What it does do, however, is try to make people aware of the things not to do to encourage poachers and the like.

Enough said...here is a beautiful white tiger.  Absolutely gorgeous creature.

And the king of the beasts.

This could be Jeffrey.

Elephants doing tricks.  I was watching the trainers carefully, hoping they were treating them well.  They seemed OK.

A baby can't remember - it was only 3 months old.  I think an orang-utan?

And then this character.  He demonstrated how we felt by the end of it all.

We spent about 3-1/2 hours there and were absolutely whipped in the 32C heat, and humidity higher than that.  So we opted to head back to our hotel and sit out at the pool while having a cool one and some food.

The 3 people in the bottom of the photo are me, Gerard, and Joanne.  No idea who the guy is on the right.  You also get an idea of what our hotel was like.

And this is our pool from our balcony in the hotel.

Quite a pleasant spot.  When we were thinking of going to Singapore, we never thought of relaxing by a pool in the middle of the day.  But it was too hot to be doing much more wandering around.

Once it was time for dinner, we headed out to wander along the Singapore River.  It was right outside our hotel.  We decided first to enjoy a Margarita as there was a Mexican restaurant nearby.  A pitcher was in order because the heat was still over 30C and never went down.

Then we started looking for a place for dinner.  I had read chili crab was a specialty of Singapore.  So we finally found a place that could deliver.  Sorry the photographer couldn't deliver very well - must have focused on the back one.

But the views while eating along the river were beautiful.  It was just such a wonderful way to wind up our stay in Singapore.  What a terrific cosmopolitan city.

Tomorrow we're off to Kuching, Malaysia, on the island of Borneo.


  1. I'm all caught up on the posts and pics....looks fantastic! Have fun!

  2. Wow, looks like an awesome trip! We kept saying to each other, "When do the Kraemers leave on their trip?" and didn't think to check your blog. Duh! Glad to see you are safe and having a great time. Have fun!!

  3. wow, Singapore is so beautiful ! those 'tree' restaurants are something else. and the monkey from the zoo is a macaque i think...
